Corporate Responsibility
Our responsibility
Our impact does not end with our customers, but extends to our responsibility to society. For us, this means corporate commitment in social, ecological and economic areas. In the “People’s Business” in particular, we focus on social aspects and set ourselves high ethical, moral and legal standards.
Children’s coloring book
DIGITAL IMPACTS supports the Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter (Association of German Detectives) and the Informations- und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (Information and Publishing Company Ltd.) in the campaign “Kripo Kindermalbuch”. In this book, children are prepared for and educated about dangerous situations in a playful and interactive way. Current topics such as bullying, dealing with strangers, but also dangers on the Internet are addressed and explained in a child-friendly way through exciting stories and puzzles.

Responsibility for the future.
As a future-oriented consulting company, we see it as our responsibility to actively invest in the safety and education of our children.
We want to keep our children safe and prepare them for their future in the best possible way.
Freunde statt Sorgen.
Joy instead of worries.
The joy in the eyes of our children fills our present. The thought of the future shapes our daily actions. Uncertainty about dangers and risks for our children cause us worry.
We do not want to shape our children’s lives by worrying or reacting to our environment.

Digitale Bildung und
Digital education and Awareness.
We take responsibility and sensitize children of different ages to the dangers and risks in real and digital everyday life through play.
We want to provide active support through various initiatives and free educational offerings.